Software Engineer

About Me

Hello there, I am Ismet Ozozturk, working as a software engineer over 5 years and now settled in Amsterdam. I am passionate about distributed and scalable architectures as well as end to end good user experience.

A good user experience starts from frontend but includes backend. In my free times I am also developing mobile and web ui at my side projects for fun :)
You may find some of my tools that I am using with joy include:

Scala, Java
Akka, Akka Streams, Akka HTTP, Play
MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Kafka, RabbitMQ
Google Cloud, Firebase, AWS

For Fun:
Typescript, Dart
Angular 5

Brief History In Time

A Few Photos

I believe that "A picture is more than thousand words.". Sometimes that picture is a piece of code running or a tasty meal. Here I want to share some frames from my life.

Contact Me

Whether to drink a coffee together or to share opinions around subject which might be in mutual interests, please contact me via any social channel you like.